Net Musing
I have always wanted to write a novel; something fantastic, with a surprise twist. I don't know if I will ever do it, but I will continue to plan it. So there you have it. The reason behind my foray into Net Musing: I am practicing to begin this long repressed masterpiece. Oh really? Sounds great, but t'ain't true.
I am comfortable with my communication abilities, both written and oral. In fact, am quite proud of them. I enjoy expressing my opinion whenever an opportunity arrives. If you have ever raised children through their teen years, then you will recall how often that opportunity occurred. The kids never really grasped the concept though. Casting my pearls before them, usually elicited a reference to the "L" word: Lecture. As young adults, no longer teens, they listen politely and attentively, now thinking of the "R" word: Rambling.
The Magi, for they really are wise, maintain consistency in action with respect to my too readily available philosophy. As always, they proceed along the same course they charted, before I began my paternal L and R duties.
The Magi call other places home now. Somehow, they manage to triumph over their individual daily challenges, without the benefit of my daily opinions and counsel. An oft demonstrated fact that mystifies me. I am so proud of their independence, even though I have great difficulty accepting it. Certainly I, must have depended on my Dad to guide me to the shores of my own independence. I did, ... didn't I? Hmmm ... I didn't think so.
Where do I turn to channel all my L & R energies. Containing them simply isn't healthy. Thank heaven then for the Internet and Home Pages.
I can Lecture and Ramble to my heart's delight. I offend no one who does not want to be offended, for they freely choose to read my muses. I can write and read back. I can cut and paste. I can take back hasty words. I can think before I speak. But best of all, I can simply carry on as I wanted to in the first place.


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