How To Remove CAGS

This procedure allows you to disable the annoying computer assisted gear selection (CAGS) for those of us with the M6 tranny.   The basic idea is to remove the lockout solenoid from the system, then prevent the ECM from setting a trouble code by fooling it into thinking the solenoid is still connected.  

When the CAGS solenoid is connected, the ECM sees the effective resistance of the coil in the relay.   When the connector is unplugged, the ECM will see an open circuit or infinite resistance, and sets a trouble code to warn of CAGS solenoid failure.   A 2.2K ohm ½ watt resistor is placed in the end of the wiring harness after it is unplugged from the solenoid.   Now the ECM will see the same coil resistance as it did when the wiring harness was connected to the CAGS solenoid.   No codes will be set, and the CAGS lockout solenoid will cease to function.   Now, you will no longer be prevented from shifting into second gear from first during conservative driving.

Note:  This mod does not prevent the Skip Shift light from illuminating on the console.   After completion of the mod, the light will be meaningless, so you can ignore it.

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Procedure To By-Pass the CAGS Solenoid
Here you can see the CAGS wiring harness that connects to the solenoid on the top of the T56 transmission. This solenoid is the farthest forward of the three connectors on the tranny.
Disconnect the harness from the solenoid. Be certain you are disconnecting the correct plug.
2.2 ohm ½ watt resistor inserted into the female portion of the CAGS wiring harness.
Use black tape or some sort of weather proofing to seal the resistor and female CAGS plug from the elements.
Tie wrap the sealed CAGS connector up out of the way so that it will not hang freely.