Chemotherapy Drugs
Common Side Effects
Chemotherapy is a regimen consisting of multiple drugs. An oncologist chooses a blend of drugs, appropriate to the type of primary cancer. These drugs are indeed highly toxic. They attack rapidly dividing cells, typical of cancer cells. The human body has many types of rapidly dividing cells, that ensure normal health is maintained. Chemotherapy affects both the cancer cells and the healthy cells. This causes a number of side effects.

In the table below, I show the common side effects of the chemical palette selected to treat my Stage IV colon cancer, metastasized to the liver. The table shows which side effects are associated with a particular drug, along with the particular effect that I have experienced.

Table Legend
AVA = Avastin;  OXA = Oxaliplatin;  5FU = 5 Fluorouracil;  DEC = Decadron
Dave = Side Effects that I experience.

Abdominal DistensionY   X
Abdominal PainYXX X
AnorexiaYX X 
Blurred VisionY  XX
Brittle Finger NailsY  X 
ConfusionY  X 
Congestive Heart Failure X  X
Decreased Platelet CountY XX 
Difficulty Breathing XX  
Difficulty SwallowingY X  
Difficulty WalkingY X  
DizzinessY  XX
Elevated Blood GlucoseY   X
Dyspnea (irregular breathing) X   
Exfoliative Dermatitus X   
FatigueY XX 
Fluid RetentionY   X
Gastro-intestinal BleedingYX  X
Gritty EyesY  X 
Hair Loss   X 
HeadacheYX  X
Heart Attack   X 
HypertensionYX  X
Impaired Wound HealingY   X
Itching  X  
Long Bone Fractures    X
Loss of Muscle MassY   X
Low Red Blood Cell CountY  X 
Low White Blood Cell CountY XX 
Mouth and Throat UlcersY  XX
Mouth SoresYXXX 
Muscle WeaknessY   X
Nose Bleeds (epistaxis)YX   
Numbness in FeetY X  
Numbness in HandsY X  
Numbness of LipsY X  
Pancreatitus    X
Poor Tolerance to Cold TemperaturesY X  
Rash  XX 
Skin Damage from Sunlight   X 
Sore Feet   X 
Sore Hands   X 
Sudden CoughY X  
Suppressed Immune System    X
Swollen LipsY X  
Swollen TongueY X  
Tendon Rupture    X
Upper Respiratory InfectionYX   
Vomiting XXXX
Watery Eyes   X 


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