Third Anniversary

It isn’t easy not being able to see you every day.

There are times when I’d give anything
Just to be able to gaze into your eyes, or
Hold you in my arms.
Even for a few minutes.

I always feel incomplete,
Life a part of me is missing.
I desperately miss the sound of your voice,
The way you looked at me and held me,
the tenderness in your eyes.

I talk to you every day,
I know you’re listening and
You are protecting us.

I know that, right now,
This is how things have to be,
But that doesn’t make it any easier to bear.

Every day without you
Just reminds me of the joy you added to my life,
Joy that I’m much.

So, my love, always remember that I love you,
that I’m counting every day
until we’re together again.



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